Many children excel with 1:1 tutoring, it allows them undivided attention and time to work on the areas they need to in a safe non-judgmental environment, away from the gaze and distraction of peers.
For others, and for certain other situations, small group tutoring has its advantages. Firstly, for certain children 1:1 can feel intense. Some children work better collaboratively, it takes the spotlight off them and they learn by working with and watching class mates. Writing workshops are brilliant for developing writing in a fun atmosphere and revision sessions, where sharing ideas and peer-assessment take place, really accelerate learning.
Group work has huge benefits and if you have siblings or friends who are of a similar age / ability or work positively together, this might be an option worth considering. Group dynamics will need to be taken into consideration and monitored, naturally, but if you think this option might work for your children, contact me to discuss the feasibility.